In News / PR

lamp classificationIt is clear that the future of UV technology must be segmented in applications of traditional UV lamp technology versus applications for NEW innovative LED Technologies.

The historical amalgam lamp technology whether spot or pellet amalgam versions, continues to lead us to more higher power applications in order to assure the achievement of required disinfection germ kill rates in today’s high flow municipal waste water & drinking water treatment plants. Despite some of the challenges to amalgam technology i.e., water temperature control versus higher level of disinfection, growth in this segment will indeed continue to expand, not necessarily in lamp units but rather in less UV system lamp disinfection units with higher power and more expensive lamp designs up to over 1000W.  Further to this, it is expected that increased regulations will lead to more installations and higher powers per installation.

In UVC LEDs, the market is continuing to grow and will augment and may overlap, but may not steal away traditional UVC Germicidal quartz and soft glass/TUV lamp designs. With the specific point UV source of UV-LED lights – totally new UV System fields will open in the future.

Overall we do agree with UV lamp growth in the coming years, but it will be focused on more sophisticated amalgam technology combined with certain state of the art electronical ballast technologies and smaller units for UV LED sources. The traditional germicidal quartz standard lamp applications will remain but we project limited growth for smaller new units in many traditional replacement market units.

See the press release of Future Market Insights (FMI) on the future global UV lamps market.


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