In News / PR

UV expert group - new business workshop meetingMichael J. Santelli was leading a basic workshop meeting with Karl Platzer and their OEM customer – discussing the success of introducing proprietary UV lamp solutions in new OEM equipment.

They explored UV applications in all wave lengths from 185/254nm up to UVB 315/320nm to UVA 340-400nm – even up to the visible light and near Infrared at the 870nm area.

In other areas, the expert team learned and reviewed endless “specialty” applications from UVC mite pest treatments in vineyards, the medical marihuana growing field, UV weathering equipment testing up to surface cleaning with UVA and specific UVB treatment in medical devices. The application of UV is expanding at a terrific rate!

Existing equipment in this field is still driven by traditional lamp sources, like low pressure quartz or fluorescent technology from T5 to T8/T10 and T12 diameter size. But some new applications are utilizing UV medium pressure lamps for example such as medium pressure tanning lamps (range 400-500W) being used in underground waste water sewer pipeline repair trucks to harden PVC repair pipes.

Example application (copyright at Trenchless Pipelining)

…when a sewer pipeline leaks and be repaired with a special plastic PVC hose inside the pipe and hardened and cured with a UV curing lamp – to be safe and sealed again.

They continued with the UV LED world and potential uses. The OEM equipment applications need to be designed specifically for UV LEDs. A 1:1 retrofit doesn’t exist because a discharge lamp versus a point source UV LED requires a different basic application design.

The UV Expert Group had a great kickoff meeting in New York with Asia OEM market participants to explore all different kinds of applications in the UV lamp specialty business world.


More to come next month, from the IUVA America Conference at Redondo Beach California CA.



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