Why not outsource to UV experts?” UV Systems Consulting UV Systems UV lamps UV Ballasts New UV technology advice traditional UVC versus future UVC with LEDs Marketing and how to go to market A [...]
Water disinfection employing UV-C LEDs in lieu of mercury based technology has been heralded as a breakthrough poised on the brink of commercialization. Presented are results of an innovative UV [...]
Highlights Evaluated UV-C LED inactivation of E. coli, MS2, Adenovirus 2 and B. pumilus spores. Compared UV-C LEDs to LP and MP UV lamps for inactivation and energy efficiency. Confirmed absence [...]
Active patents: USA 6,193,939 Canada 2,364,613 Abstract A process is described, for treating liquids with radiation. One process involves passing the liquid over an ultraviolet lamp and ballast [...]
Michiel Van der Meer (Philips Lighting), Fred van Lierop (LSI/Lighttech), Dmitry Sokolov (LIT) Abstract Over the last 10-15 years the market of manufacturers of UV equipment for water, air and [...]