In News / PR

UV Consulting goes to China in March 2019!  Our new Chines language web page will be introduced during March, please check

CFD Consulting is our new way of matching a fine-tuned UV system driven by a good lamp output with a UV Disinfection System. This matching is a critical step before starting validation.

What about UV lamp testing based on the IUVA protocol?  No surprise, direct lamp comparisons from different manufacturer makes total sense for OEMs in order to evaluate potential lamp manufacturing sources and especially, to evaluate results from a truly objective, neutral source!  Over the last years we have gathered plenty of experience with 425mA, 800mA and amalgam lamp testing. We offer also our technical consulting in the lamp factory on how to improve lamp designs for optimal performance. This includes lamp driver ballast evaluation as well as lamp testing in water.

UV consulting expert team

Beside marketing and general business approach support, here you can download the UV Consulting Portfolio:
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UV Experts correct statements about UVC Amalgam lamps